Technology & Construction
Bar Association
The specialist bar association for employed or self-employed barristers who practise in the Technology and Construction Court, forming part of the UK’s Business and Property Courts, or before adjudicators, arbitrators, both domestic and international, and other tribunals.

About TECBAR membership
Membership of TECBAR is open to practising barristers (both employed and self-employed) who have completed pupillage, hold a current practising certificate granted by the General Council of the Bar of England and Wales, and regularly practise (or intend to practise) in the fields of technology and construction law.
Access to a range of CPD-accredited lectures and seminars by leading practitioners and judges
Opportunities to meet other practitioners in your field at regular social events, including an Annual Garden Party
Quarterly copies of the TECBAR Review, which publishes news, articles and case summaries written by leading practitioners
Eligibility to apply for accreditation by TECBAR as an adjudicator, arbitrator, mediator or Dispute Resolution Board member
Latest news
Bar Standards Board CPD Guidance
The Bar Standards Board have recently issued revised Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Guidance and Templates. We draw these to members' attention to assist in providing a basis for compliance with CPD obligations and best practice. Members may already be...
Paul Darling OBE KC
TECBAR was saddened to hear of the unexpected death of its past chair (2004-2007) Paul Darling OBE KC. Paul was a hugely successful practitioner with a substantial international practice and a larger-than-life character who has been a well-known fixture of the...
TECBAR Elections 2024
TECBAR has begun its latest round of elections for positions on the Committee. The terms of the following Committee positions expire in July 2024: Chair Vice-Chair Treasurer Bar Council Representative 5 x ordinary Committee members The election process will shortly...