TCC Marshalling Scheme

Each year TECBAR offers junior barristers who are interested in developing a practice in technology or construction law to spend a week with a judge in the High Court. The scheme is open to TECBAR members and to the current or future pupils of a TECBAR member.

Marshalling is offered in the Technology and Construction Court in London and Manchester.

The marshalling experience will include reading papers, hearing submissions and evidence from the bench and discussing ongoing cases.  Subject to timetabling, it is intended that each marshal will spend time with each of the TCC Judges sitting during their assigned week.

The upcoming dates for marshalling are the following weeks commencing:

  • 13 May 2024
  • 17 June 2024
  • 8 July 2024

Please fill out the application form below if you wish to apply.

  • Please explain why you would like to be considered for a place on the TCC Marshalling Scheme, and what you feel you would gain from the experience.
  • Permissions

  • By submitting this form, you consent to have your personal details handled by TECBAR in accordance with the privacy policy.