Construction Adjudication is a well-used dispute resolution process in which an independent third party makes a rapid decision when the parties to a construction contract are in disagreement. The popularity of the procedure instituted by the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996, together with the breadth of the definition of “construction contracts” have contributed greatly to the wide expansion of the use of the adjudication procedure. There have been a large number of TCC judgments in adjudication enforcement proceedings, which have both simplified the workings of the process in some areas and complicated it in others.
TECBAR members have instigated the growth of the adjudication jurisprudence through their involvement as advocates in enforcement procedures, and many of them have developed real expertise in the field.
They have also been frequently appointed as adjudicators so that TECBAR is able to provide a showcase of experienced adjudicators who are able to accept instructions and to act on very short notice. The Adjudication Scheme Clerk has developed significant experience in the appointment of adjudicators so that the process can be as swift and trouble-free as possible.
“Adjudication is now part of the fabric of the construction industry, and has been for over 20 years. Many of the professionals involved in this field may not even recall a time when it was not available. Many parties in such disputes are content to accept the decision of the adjudicator as the permanent outcome of their dispute, or as the basis of a commercial compromise. There is a heavy responsibility on the adjudicator both for this reason, and also due to the time pressures imposed on the process. For the parties, the selection of an adjudicator who is experienced, independent and familiar with the control of procedure is of great importance.
As Judge in charge of the Technology and Construction Court, I encourage all parties in the use of TECBAR’s Dispute Resolution Appointments process. All of the members of the TECBAR Panel have the necessary skills to perform the task, and to perform it to a high standard.
TECBAR offers a substantial body of nominees collectively comprising decades of experience of all forms of dispute. Barristers are available at all levels of seniority and at short notice. All TECBAR nominated adjudicators undertake training before membership is approved. Barristers are known for their independence and ability to work under pressure, both of which are essential attributes for performance as adjudicators. Nor are the nominees limited to adjudicators. The selection process can be used for the nomination and appointment of arbitrators, mediators and DRB members.
As with the previous Judges in charge of the TCC, I am very pleased to recommend the use of TECBAR as a nominating body for all these forms of dispute resolution.”
Mrs Justice O’Farrell DBE
TECBAR Adjudicators
- Jonathan Acton Davis KC (1977 | 1996)
- Peter Aeberli (1990)
- Sir Robert Akenhead (1972 | 1989)
- Ebony Alleyne (2009)
- Julian Allsop (1999)
- Tom Asquith (2007)
- Razak Atunwa (1994)
- Ben Beaumont (1978)
- Jonathan Bellamy (1986)
- Robert Blackett (2004)
- Philip Boulding KC (1979 | 1996)
- Martin Bowdery KC (1980 | 2000)
- James Bridgeman (1989)
- Paul Buckingham KC (1995 | 2023)
- William Charlesworth (2017)
- Tim Chelmick (2004)
- Grace Cheng (2016)
- Cyril Chern (1972)
- Ivan Clarke (1973)
- Robert Clay (1989)
- Michael Collard (1986)
- Ivor Collett (1995)
- Peter Collie (1994)
- Nicholas Collings (1997)
- Simon Crawshaw (2005)
- Laura Crowley (2005)
- Annaliese Day KC (1996 | 2012)
- John Denis-Smith (1998)
- Rebecca Drake (2007)
- Trevor Drury (2011)
- Felicity Dynes (2010)
- Anthony Edwards (1999)
- Omar Eljadi (2009)
- Robert Evans (1989)
- David Fearon (2013)
- James Frampton (2016)
- Kim Franklin KC (1984 | 2016)
- William Godwin KC (1986 | 2017)
- Karen Gough (1983)
- Simon Hargreaves KC (1991 | 2009)
- Nicholas Higgs (2018)
- Isabel Hitching KC (1992 | 2019)
- Joe-han Ho (2016)
- David Hopkins (2013)
- Sir Rupert Jackson (1972 | 1987)
- Douglas James (2015)
- Abdul-Lateef Jinadu (1995)
- David Johnson (2010)
- Jennifer Jones KC (2003 | 2024)
- Sam Karim KC (2002 | 2017)
- Andrew Kearney (2007)
- Simon Kerry (2012)
- Calum Lamont KC (2004 | 2022)
- Peter Land (2007)
- Thomas Lazur (2005)
- Paul Letman (1987)
- Michael Levenstein (2015)
- Susan Lindsey (1997)
- John Marrin KC (1974 | 1990)
- Lynne McCafferty KC (1997 | 2018)
- Sarah McCann (2001)
- Mek Mesfin (2014)
- Sian Mirchandani KC (1997 | 2019)
- Neil Moody KC (1989 | 2010)
- Edmund Neuberger (2008)
- Paul Newman (1982)
- Jeremy Nicholson KC (1977 | 2000)
- Alexander Nissen KC (1985 | 2006)
- Andrew Noble (1992)
- Thomas Ogden (2008)
- Rachael O'Hagan (2006)
- Tom Owen KC (2011 | 2024)
- Ben Patten KC (1986 | 2010)
- Natasha Peter (2001)
- Charles Pimlott (2001)
- David Pliener KC (1996 | 2023)
- Derek Pye (2008)
- Sir Vivian Ramsey (1981 | 1992)
- Dominique Rawley KC (1991 | 2012)
- Darryl Royce (1976)
- Ella Rutter (2021)
- Gideon Scott-Holland (1999)
- Robert Scrivener (2013)
- Jonathan Selby KC (1999 | 2018)
- Daniel Shapiro KC (1999 | 2019)
- Daniel Shaw
- Jon Shaw (2008)
- Gideon Shirazi (2012)
- Andrew Singer KC (1990 | 2018)
- Camille Slow KC (2002 | 2024)
- Marion Smith KC (1981 | 2015)
- Piers Stansfield KC (1993 | 2012)
- Jessica Stephens KC (2001 | 2019)
- Michael Stephens (1983)
- Alan Steynor (1975)
- Julian Still (1999)
- Robert Stokell (1995)
- John Tackaberry KC (1967 | 1982)
- Carlo Taczalski (2010)
- Matthew Thorne (2011)
- Samuel Townend KC (1999 | 2021)
- Ryan Turner (2016)
- Ronald Walker KC (1962 | 1983)
- Steven Walker KC (1993 | 2012)
- William Webb KC (2005 | 2023)
- Michael Wheater KC (2003 | 2024)
- Simon Whitfield (2009)
- Neil Whittle (2018)
- Crispin Winser KC (2003 | 2021)
TECBAR Adjudication Scheme Clerk
Christopher Ebdon
4 New Square Chambers
Lincoln’s Inn
London, WC2A 3RJ
Tel: 020 7822 2000