The TECBAR Committee would like to make members aware of the opportunity to support the Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge. Further details are below.
What is the ERA Pledge?
The Equal Representation in Arbitration (ERA) Pledge launched in 2015 seeking to increase, on an equal opportunity basis, opportunities for women in arbitration in order to achieve a fair representation as soon practically possible, with the ultimate goal of full parity.
The Pledge addresses not only the appointment of female arbitrators, but also opportunities for women in arbitration in building their careers and the part that legal practitioners, counsel, arbitrators, states, corporates and institutions all have to play in that journey.
The Pledge recently reached 5,000 signatories from individuals, law firms, corporates, institutions and other members of the arbitration community and is supporting women in arbitration to be treated on an equal basis in the arbitration community.
The ERA Pledge and the Bar
The Bar has a key role to play in implementing the Pledge: barristers are often asked to recommend arbitrators to lay clients and law firms; barristers sitting as co-arbitrators often appoint the presiding arbitrator.
The Bar Subcommittee of the Pledge has been set up to expand awareness and implementation of the Pledge throughout the Bar: by individual barristers, senior management and practice managers. While many sets and individual barristers have signed up to the Pledge, there is plenty more work to be done with the Bar for the Pledge to achieve its goals.
How can I get involved?
- Learn more about the Pledge at and sign up.
- Volunteer to join the Bar Subcommittee. In particular, we are building a network of ERA Pledge Champions with each set active in arbitration having a Champion who will spearhead engagement with and implementation of the Pledge within their chambers. Please contact to register your interest. The Bar Subcommittee will next meet in July, so please register your interest no later than 7 July 2023.
- Keep an eye out for ERA Pledge Bar Subcommittee events and start attending.