Past events

18 Jul

Black tie dinner

12:00 am
A Black Tie Dinner held at the Old Hall, Lincoln’s Inn to celebrate the elevation of Coulson LJ, to welcome Fraser J as Judge in [...]
18 May

TECBAR Adjudication Training Day

12:00 am
Delegates heard from Calum Lamont, Sir Robert Akenehad, Nicholas Baatz QC, Lynne McCafferty QC, Matt Molloy & Jonathan Cope and Jonathan Lewis on different topics [...]
01 May

LGBTQ Networking drinks

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Technology and Construction Bar Association (TECBAR), Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR), Bar Lesbian and Gay Group (BLAGG) and FreeBar are delighted to host networking drinks on 1 [...]
04 Apr

TECBAR Annual Conference 2019

12:00 am
The second part of this year’s annual conference will be held on Thursday 4 April. Attendance at the conference will count towards CPD requirements. Thursday [...]
04 Dec

Joint meeting with SCL

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Speakers: David Sears Q.C., Crispin Winser Title: When insolvency trumps rough justice: injunctions and stays of execution of adjudication proceedings Chair: Mrs Justice Carr Venue: [...]
21 Nov

TECBAR Autumn Annual Lecture

6:15 pm - 9:00 pm
Speaker: Lord Hoffmann Title: Rectifying Rectification Chair: Alexander Nissen QC Venue: Inner Temple, Main Hall Date and Time: Wednesday 21 November 2018. Registration from 6 [...]
05 Jul

TECBAR Garden Party

6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
TECBAR’s Bi-Annual Garden Party, a champagne and canapés reception.
11 May

The Silk Application and Life as a Junior Silk for TECBAR and COMBAR Practitioners: A Panel Discussion

5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
TECBAR and COMBAR are delighted to announce this panel discussion led by Fiona Sinclair QC, 4 Pump Court, followed by a Q&A session. Confirmed panellists [...]
25 Apr

Women's Networking event

12:00 am
Pegasus Bar
21 Apr

TECBAR annual conference

12:00 am
Speakers: The Honourable Mrs Justice O’Farrell DBE – Keynote: The Disclosure Pilot Scheme Lesley Anderson QC, Chancery Bar Association – “Introduction to CLIPS” Sam Mercer, [...]
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